Tuesday 26 July 2011

Margam Mountain Cycling

One mountain, one bike, one sweaty man and two reservoirs.
Great day today cycling from Margam to Goytre. Wanted to find a way from where I work to my home and I did. Took a long time to get all the thorns out of my legs and ended up walking a long way up the mountain but the scenery is stunning. Margam reservoir is unbelievable in its colouring,
Yes it really is that strange acid green colour.
The path from Margam res up to the top of Margam mountain was not really mountain bike suitable ( was suitable for a small terrier, hence the thorns in my legs). The view is surreal I could see almost the whole of the steel works (possibly the biggest in Britain at the moment) in the middle of some stunning scenery with the flames that inspired the opening sequences of 'Blade Runner'
Those rolling mills are massive, I still can't get over how big it is.Compare them with the houses in the foreground.
Cycled all over the mountain to find a way down to Goytre reservoir but I finally managed it and it was so worth it.Took this photo just before the bike made a dive for the reservoir.
Had to chase the bike down a 60 degree slope to stop it disappearing in the water and just about caught it in a gorse bush 2m from the reservoir.
Can't quite believe I live somewhere this beautiful. Made my way back down to Goytre hoping for a pint in the football club but demand for alcohol at 3pm on a Tuesday afternoon in a small village is not high and the club was shut so I made my way home and rewarded myself with a can of 'Fursty Ferret'.
One of the best things about being a dad is the odd day off. Soon I'm taking my boy up this mountain but I've only just got him off his stabilizers so one thing at a time.

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